ONE Information

Meet SEOEA’s ONE representative, Alex Myers   Ohio’s New Educators (ONE) is a unique community within the Ohio Education Association (OEA) supporting early career educators and education support professionals in their first years of education. Our statewide network engages and empowers educators and education support professionals in the first 10 years of their career to become …

Presidents Plus One Dinners

Local Presidents:   The Southeastern Ohio Education Association cordially invites you to the annual SEOEA Presidents Plus One Dinner!   You and one other member from your local may attend either of two dinners to learn what SEOEA has planned for this year. This is our way of acquainting you with our activities and, more …

SEOEA Executive Council Summer Retreat

During the summer, members of the SEOEA Executive Committee met at Hocking Hills State Park to organize and plan for the upcoming year.  OEA President Scott DiMauro and OEA Secretary/Treasurer Mark Hill joined the committee to provide updates and answer questions.

Presidents’ & Treasurers’ Workshop

Registration is now open for the SEOEA Presidents’ & Treasurers’ Workshop! The workshop will be held on Thursday, July 25, 2024, at the Ohio University Inn in Athens. Pre-registration is required. Agenda Sign-in and breakfast begin at 8:15 a.m. Welcome from SEOEA at 8:50 a.m. Training sessions begin at 9:00 and conclude at noon. See session …

Pam Smith Pacesetter Award

Congratulations to the following districts that were awarded the Pam Smith Pacesetter Award at the SEOEA-RA: Belpre EA Jackson City EA Logan EA Portsmouth City TA Wellston TA

Lauren Metcalf Recognized For Her Work With SEOEA Executive Committee

The SEOEA Executive Committee would like to express our sincere appreciation for all the hard work Lauren Metcalf contributed over the past five years, representing Vinton County.  We have enjoyed having her on the Committee as we represent our Pre-K through 12, school support staff, higher education, and retired members.   A big thanks to Lauren …

SEOEA President’s Message – November 2023

The daily news reports are sending mixed reviews. On one side the wars in the Ukraine and Gaza continue and are impacting people all around the globe, for many these wars involve family and loved ones. Many of us support humanitarian efforts, but feel it just isn’t enough.  On the positive side, though, in the …


On Wednesday, October 18, 2023 during their Executive Committee Meeting, Southeastern Education Association paused to celebrate outgoing SEOEA Retire Representative Jane Miller. Miller has been a fixture with SEOEA for 40 years serving as an At-Large Representative, Vice President, President, Past President, and Retired Representative. Miller was elected President of the Southeastern Education Association in …

SEOEA Celebrates Public Education Matters Day at The Columbus Zoo

Greg & Carley Potter represented SEOEA as thousands of public school teachers, education support professionals, higher ed faculty members, and retired educators came together across Ohio on Saturday, October 2nd, to demonstrate the strength of their solidarity and support for Ohio’s public schools. The Ohio Education Association (OEA) hosted these gatherings as part of the …

SEOEA President’s Message – September 2023

If you feel as I do, I’m already exhausted and fighting the annual back to school cold. We thank you for your union work. Without your dedication, we would be nothing. Your support and involvement keep us a strong union family. Keep the rest of our OEA family in your thoughts. Two schools, Youngstown and …