SEOEA President’s Message – November 2023

The daily news reports are sending mixed reviews. On one side the wars in the Ukraine and Gaza continue and are impacting people all around the globe, for many these wars involve family and loved ones. Many of us support humanitarian efforts, but feel it just isn’t enough.  On the positive side, though, in the US inflation is slowing and our economy is improving or at least stabilizing.

But, in our schools we are still fighting apathy and struggling to remediate students from the educational losses during the covid shutdown. Our jobs are not easy. We go in everyday not knowing what roles we will be fulfilling…parent, counselor, nurse, teacher, or maid, but we go and we support our students to the best of our ability. We teach them subject materials, coping skills, communication skills, and life-long lessons. We knew what we were getting into, and we celebrate every little gain that our students make.

As we head into the holiday season, we are reminded of the good we do in the world. During this season compassion and kindness thrive. We see an outpouring of love when we were beginning to think there was none. As union members, we do things to make this season last all year long. We send positive notes home to parents and students, we praise good work and good behavior, and we often brag about some of our wonderful students. Don’t let anyone tell you differently, but we make the world a better place.

As always, I say to you, keep up the good work, keep up the good fight, thank you for all that you do, and stay Union strong.