On Wednesday, October 18, 2023 during their Executive Committee Meeting, Southeastern Education Association paused to celebrate outgoing SEOEA Retire Representative Jane Miller. Miller has been a fixture with SEOEA for 40 years serving as an At-Large Representative, Vice President, President, Past President, and Retired Representative.

Miller was elected President of the Southeastern Education Association in 1997, continuing in that role for 15 years until 2012. During her time as President, she positioned SEOEA to influence teachers and public schools in Southeast Ohio. Her leadership helped shape local priorities, while building coalitions to achieve shared purposes, and working collaboratively at the local, district, state, and national level.

Miller’s represented SEOEA on the national level at the National Education Association Representative Assemblies starting in 1994 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She continued attending as a delegate to the NEA Representative Assemblies until 2012 in Washington D.C. During this time, Miller would serve as a delegate with approximately 6,000 other educators to debate the vital issues that impact public education and set the National Education Association policies.

In 2014, Miller retired from the Buckeye Hills Career Center where she taught English. After retirement, Miller remained busy serving as SEOEA Past President and finally the SEOEA Retired Representative. Miller holds dear so many memories of her time with SEOEA, OEA, and NEA, which kept her very busy and active for 40 years. Miller was term limited in 2023 as the Retired Representative, thus ending her service with SEOEA in August. Miller is married to her husband, Richard, who also serves as the accountant for SEOEA. The Miller’s reside in Gallipolis, Ohio.

Miller is responsible for shaping and mentoring numerous SEOEA leaders throughout her 40-year career including Past Presidents Jim Wilhelm and William Van Pelt. The SEOEA Executive Committee would especially like to honor Jane for her 40 years of outstanding and dedicated service.