Presidents Plus One Dinners

Local Presidents:
The Southeastern Ohio Education Association cordially invites you to the annual SEOEA Presidents Plus One Dinner!
You and one other member from your local may attend either of two dinners to learn what SEOEA has planned for this year. This is our way of acquainting you with our activities and, more importantly, thanking you for taking on a difficult job for your association. This year, we are suggesting that you invite a relatively new member to be your guest. However, it is up to you whom you wish to invite. We just want you to be there!
This year’s dinners will be held in Athens and in Portsmouth:
Athens – Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 6:00 p.m. at the Ohio University Inn, 331 Richland Avenue – Registration deadline: Monday, September 2Sorry, registration for the Athens dinner is closed.
The dinner will be a buffet with a choice of entrees, a variety of sides, desserts, and soft drinks.
Sorry, registration for the Portsmouth dinner is closed.
The menu will be a buffet with a choice of entrees, a variety of sides, desserts, and soft drinks.

 You may choose to attend either dinner, whichever is more convenient for you. To register for the dinner of your choice, please click on the link above and complete the online form. There is no charge for either dinner.

If you find that you or your guest are unable to attend after making your reservation please try to find someone to take your place or cancel prior to the deadline as we are unable to cancel reservations. Contact SEOEA Executive Director Greg Potter if you need to cancel or modify a reservation or if you have any questions about the dinners.

The members of the SEOEA Executive Committee are looking forward to working with you this year. Please join us at a Presidents Plus One Dinner and let us know what we can do to assist you and your local association.